Here’s to Caregivers

This is a shout out to my spouse. I used to belong to a service club, where every year you were expected to put cash in the donation jar commemorating your wedding anniversary. I dutifully put in one dollar for every good year and made a joke of it. “Here’s for all the good years … Read more

Breaking Up is Hard to Do

“I love you, but you’ve been with me for 30 years and I’m ready for some excitement, some color, a bright spot in my sedentary life. Off you go into the donate box so you can live in someone else’s cupboard.” This is me, doing my annual spring cleaning. I blogged about it last year … Read more

Does “I Tried” Count?

Last year I wrote down a few things “I’d like to do” during 2022. Good thing I said they weren’t New Year’s resolutions because they remain undone. I am happy to say I attempted most, accomplished none. But “good try” counts, right? I did not try writing humor. I managed to publish one full book, … Read more

Hello Holidays, My How You’ve Changed

Christmas is a few days away and by this time my house usually looks like an advertisement for Santa’s workshop or the North Pole edition of a home decorating magazine. Some people dread Christmas. I’m not one of them, although I have to admit I’m not as “spirited” this year. For me Christmas changed when … Read more

In Search of Pith and Profundity

When I began writing, I told myself and anyone else who would listen, that I wanted my books to have more than good, entertaining stories. I wanted them to tell readers something they didn’t know. The heroine in my first book, A Kiss of Cabernet, was a vineyard manager. As the romance developed, the reader … Read more