How It Started, How It’s Going

Friends ask me why I write. Writing calms me in a world of uncertainty where doom scares appear daily on all platforms and hope depends on which podcast you hear or which accounts you follow. Writing forces me to pay attention to my characters, my settings, my stories, and where all of this is in … Read more

It’s Hard to Say Goodbye

For those of you who have pets, you know how deeply ingrained they become in your life. We adopted Ralph, our senior Siamese cat, from the local shelter. He’d been brought in as a stray, had a tipped ear to indicate he’d been neutered at one time, and was quite frightened when we took him … Read more

Most writers I know are introverts. They either write in total isolation or in a crowded place where they tune out what’s around them and dive into the world they’re creating. When they’re not writing, most go to day jobs, have friends, volunteer. They don’t hole up in a cave. When I moved to a … Read more

The Summer of My Discontent

“Now is the winter of our discontent” may be the famous opening line of a Shakespeare play, but “now is the summer of my discontent” is me grousing about triple digit heat and the fact I have to hibernate. I am not a bear. I like bears, but I prefer to spend summers outside walking … Read more