A Moveable Feast

This is not about Ernest Hemingway, although he lived in Florida and would understand why this phrase applies to this post. We left Fort Myers and headed for the Okeechobee Waterway, a 135-mile trip across the center of Florida, using rivers, a lake, and canals. We made it through five locks and turned northward in … Read more

Rockin’ and Duckin’ on the ICW

Two days out of Clearwater we holed up in an anchorage to wait out a storm, but also to recuperate from inconsiderate drivers who speed by you a few yards away, not caring that their wakes roll and bounce you around like a ping pong ball. I’ve learned to restrain myself and not give the … Read more

Saga of Skinny Ditches

If you’ve cruised, you know narrow channels are marked with red and green buoys or numbered placards and you stay well inside them. They mark the limits of the dredged channel so you don’t run aground. On the West Coast water’s pretty deep most places. In the Gulf, people walk a few feet from your … Read more

Looking for Nooks and Crannies

We moved back onto the boat Saturday, hauling boxes of books, clothes, extra cookware, my son’s birthday present, and little boxes with spare parts for the boat. Fortunately there’s a place for everything…NOT. I lifted up the hollow step to put away a bottle of wine, but there’s a box of tools in there. “Mark? … Read more

Provisioning: Can’t Just Run to the Store

When we left the boat in Anacortes, Washington in October, I left a few food items on board that could make the long trip (by truck) to Mobile—nothing that would interest a cockroach or an ant. Checking those food items, I found instant coffee, tea bags, tight-lidded glass containers of flour and sugar, basic spices, … Read more