Flying or Floating

You’ve all heard about my harrowing—at least they were to me—experiences in the rivers, lakes, canals and oceans of middle and eastern America. But I rarely discuss my—shall we say—interesting experiences flying in a small plane with none other than Capt. Mark at the controls. Many years ago Capt. Mark decided sailing wasn’t fast enough, … Read more

In Search of a Little Humor

Charlie Chaplin once said, “A day without laughter is a day wasted.” I’m not sure I need to laugh every day, but even one laugh seems hard to come by. We’re told our country is divided. I say “told” because headline-grabbers don’t always reflect the majority they supposedly represent. So many have so little and … Read more

At a Loss For Words

I’m not usually at a loss for words. I’ve been known to knock out a speech on the way to the event, write a newspaper article a half hour before deadline, and do my weekly blog post a few minutes after I realize it’s Monday and I haven’t done it yet. It isn’t that I … Read more

A Weighty Decision

I grew up in an era when you almost had to be anorexic in order to be deemed attractive. Twiggy was all the rage when I was at an impressionable age. Runway models looked like a strong wind could blow them off stage. Needless to say, I was not one of them. In an effort … Read more